        Everyday religion dogmas
        2018.01.18 20:47:47 UTC
        During lunch today I caught myself meditating while the people
        around me kept up the conversation. Studying the emotions caused
        by the conversation and really listening to it. I was amazed at wh
        I found out. I found myself just as "groundless" as when talking
        about religious dogmas with my family.
        I'm not a traditional religious person, but I had plenty of
        conversations about religion and a big pet peeve of mine: dogmas.
        One of my big problem with dogmas is the emptiness of their
        authoritative nature - they are true by authoritarian order, not b
        Today I felt the same about the conversation, a lot of words, but
        emptiness. A lot of trust, assumptions and premisses, all empty.
        One example, cryptocoins. The decentralized nature of cryptocoins
        are amazing. The potential of this technology is amazing. But most
        people are not concerned about this. Their empty concern is how to
        make profit.
        Maybe I'm overthinking things, but I can't deny the deja-vu of emp