        Purism 13
        2018.02.25 21:39:13 CET
        The delivery I expected last Monday was late - USPS was very
        optimistic about their capabilities and Monday the package was
        still in NYC. But it arrived on Thursday and I had since then a
        great time setting up my brand new Librem 13v2 from Purism.
        It's been a while since running a Linux distro and this time, I
        decided to be more conservative with how much time to dedicate
        configuring and building my machine. So instead of running Arch or
        Slackware (which were my favorite distros), I decided to keep the
        distribution by Purism itself, PureOS.
        The distro is Debian based, which I use at work, so I'm already
        familiar with it. The documentation online is pretty good and you
        quickly learn how to adapt Debian and Ubuntu specific documentatio
        to PureOS needs.
        The machine itself is great. It took some time to get used to the
        touchpad and keyboard, but that's my experience every time I switc
        hardware manufacturers. Everything works out of the box - as I wou
        expect with PureOS and so far I love the machine - and I love bein
        back on a Linux laptop.
        The only problem I had so far is with overheating. The machine
        powers itself off when the CPU temperature sensors go above 100C.
        While encrypting my backup, this happened a couple of times which
        was frustrating. I had to install thermald and place a configurati
        to down-step the CPU frequency whenever the temperature raised abo
        85C. Although this means a slower CPU, when under heavy loads, I
        prefer this to having random power offs.
        Looking online, I didn't find anyone else describing this problem
        with the Librem 13v2, so I'll definitely mail the Purism folks and
        let them know about it.
        So far, I recommend this machine!