        Gophercon vs Gophercon
        2018.04.08 12:54:54 CEST
        I've confirmed my participation in Gophercon Brasil this year, in
        Florianópolis, Brazil. The conference website is
        https://2018.gopherconbr.org/. This is the first time I'm going to
        participate in an event of the Go community in Brazil, althought I
        have many friends who are already participants.
        I also have to brainstorm a talk to give during the conference. I'
        thought about speaking monitoring computer systems, or my journey
        learning Go, or a more generic talk about things which helped me
        improve my productivity.
        solderpunk's question on Mastodon about the conference gave me the
        idea about a conference (or a mini-conference, or a meetup) for th
        Gopher community. Any known conferences already? Anyone interested
        in meeting up and sharing experiences, planning the future?