        Back into the cesspit
        2019.03.09 14:24:48 CET
        Due to a personal project and the unfortunate state of affairs, th
        week I had to create personal profiles in some social networks -
        namely Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. I already had an inactive
        Twitter profile so that was easy. Instagram was pretty straight-
        forward too. Facebook was the worst.
        After trying to register, Facebook automatically flagged my accoun
        as "impersonating" someone. I don't know who - the profile had my
        name, my email, my photo. I appealed. Now they disabled my account
        I appealed again, but this time sending them a copy of my photo ID
        It really doesn't seem like they care to have new users. Strange a
        I just read a news report about them loosing users by the millions
        Maybe I can go forward on my project without the Facebook profile.
        Regarding Twitter, it's a cesspit. Virtue signaling, emotional
        overreactions, little content and a lot of posturing. Less than a
        week and I'm tired already. What happened? Did it get worse while 
        was out? Was it always like this, but my tolerance levels higher i
        the past?