        Re: Friends (@tfurrows)
        2019.11.01 16:31:52 CET
        Thank you very much for your reply, tfurrows. I recently wrote abo
        my experience with friends after moving abroad [0] and tfurrows ha
        an excellent reply [1].
        I failed in my original post to make a distinction between the
        different types of friends and friendships. I agree with tfurrows
        about embracing online friends and I could do a better job here. I
        just too concerned about the state of online communication these
        days and how they interfere with conversations specially about mor
        polemical subjects.
        An awesome suggestion was sharing offline addresses and seeing wha
        happens. Great idea! I don't want to post mine here directly (to
        avoid crawlers), but you can find it easily: go to http://search.c
        and search for "Rodolpho Eckhardt" :)
        I will keep an eye out for other offline addresses here and prepar
        some letters.
        Thank you tfurrows!
        [0] gopher://sdf.org:70/1/users/sysdharma/phlog/./2019.10.15
        [1] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/0/%7etfurrows/phlog/2019-1