        From tech to teams.
        2020.01.23 21:04:46 CET
        I've been thinking about what comes next in my career. Looking at
        different projects and technical challenges, what other people are
        doing, I haven't found "the thing" I want to do next.
        So I stopped and did a quick retrospective about recent projects a
        what got me excited. Turns out these were the ones related to
        training others, mentoring and building teams.
        Now I'm wondering, should I pivot towards a management role?
        If you asked me five years ago, I'd definitely say no. I wanted to
        solve the next technical challenge. But it's clear to me I've
        Have you gone through this transition? From individual contributor
        management? How was it? What was your biggest challenge? What's
        something you wish you knew when starting the process?