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            gopher://tak.tx0.org/1/users/tak:70 |___/
       Welcome to Tak's Gopherhole!
 (TXT) Read this shit!
 (HTM) Want HTML? My hypertext site is available via HTTP at http://tak.tx0.org
 (TXT) Emoticons and Acronyms
 (TXT) Description of Modem Communication Standards
 (TXT) The SysOp Test
 (TXT) 30 Pin Single Inline Memory Module Pinout
 (TXT) Differences between Intel Central Processing Units
 (TXT) TRS-80 CoCo 1/2/3 ROMPAK Interface Pinout
 (TXT) CoCo/Dragon MC6821 Programmable Interface Adapter
 (TXT) Motorola MC6809E Instruction Set Summary
 (TXT) Motorola MC6809 CPU Instruction Set Table
 (TXT) Tandy CoCo 3 I/O Address Map
 (TXT) POKEing Around The Color Computer
       Gopher is not HTTP. The Gopher is not dead!
 (TXT) Why is Gopher Still Relevant?
       (c)1988-2018 Tak Ishi