Notes about the SDF MUD
       Score for:  Ino the Fledgling Thief.
       LEVEL: 1           Race : Pixie             Played: 0 hours
       YEARS: 70          Class: Thief             Log In: Mon Jan  1 20:56:09 2018
       STR  : 09(09)                               Saved:  no
       INT  : 16(15)                               Time:   Mon Jan  1 21:18:06 2018
       WIS  : 15(14)      Armor: shabby and threadbare
       DEX  : 19(19)      Align: evil                    Items: 00000   (max 00008)
       CON  : 12(11)      Pos'n: standing               Weight: 00001 (max 0000100)
       CHA  : 16(16)      Wimpy: 0
       LCK  : 14(14)
       Glory: 0000(0000)                           Pager:  [ ][ 24 lines]
       PRACT: 000           Hit: 20    of 20       AutoExit[*]
       XP   : 0            Mana: 110   of 100      AutoLoot[ ]
       Move: 100   of   100   Mdeaths: 00000    AutoSac ( )
       On Hand: Gold: 0             Silver: 0            Copper: 0
       Balance: Gold: 0            Silver: 0            Copper: 0
       You feel great.
       Languages: common pixie
       Help Commands:
         HELP START -  List help files and documentation
         CHANNELS -    Will teach you about communication with other players.
         COMBAT -      Will teach you how to choose, start and stop a fight.
         CONFIG -      Will teach you about our configuration menu.
         CONTAINER -   Will teach you about using containers to hold belongings.
         DEATH -       Will tell you about the death experience in the game.
         FPROMPT -     Similar to Prompt, displays only when fighting Mobiles.  How to edit.
         GROUP -       Will help you with grouping with other adventurers.
         GUIDE -       Will help you learn to use your Adventurers Guide Book.
         INFORMATION - Will cover ways to find certain types of information.
         MAP -         Covers info regarding map(s) of the realm as well as Online maps.
         MOVEMENT -    Will teach you various commands for moving about the game.
         OBJECTS -     Will teach you various commands to use your equipment.
         PRACTICE -    Will teach you about training spells, skills, and weapons.
         PROMPT -      Displays how to change the 'Prompt' the spot where it displays Hp/Mana
         RULES -       Will lead you through the laws of the land.
         SCORE -       Will tell you about your character's personal score sheet.
         SPAM -        Will explain what spam is, and why you should not do it.
         A-I -         Guide Help Pages
       Other Commands:
         SLIST   -     a command that lists all your spells and skills and the level at
                       which you may practice them.
         AREAS   -     Typing AREAS will get you a list of all areas.  You may get more
                       information on each area by typing HELP <full area name>.
         WIZLIST -     This is a list of all Immortals of the game.
         COMMANDS-     This is a list of all commands available to you.
         SOCIALS -     This is a list of all socials available.
         TIME    -     This will tell you the current times inside the Realms, the time
                       the Realms was last rebooted, and the current time in Toronto.
         WHERE   -     Where will give you a list of other players in the same area.
         SAVE    -     After level two, typing SAVE will save your process.
         QUIT    -     If you want to leave the game, type QUIT.
         WHO     -     A list of other players visible to you in the Realms.
         TITLE   -     Once you reach level five, you may make your own title.
         PASSWORD-     Your password can be changed with PASSWORD <new> <new>
         DESC    -     You may set up a personal description, type DESC to edit.
       Even More Commands:
         '           ,           ]           affected    afk         ansi
         appraise    apply       alias       away        attributes  afw
         buy         brandish    bs          bury        broach      blood
         cast        close       consider    channels    clans       clear
         commands    config      councils    credits     cook        color
         ctalk       connect     down        drink       drop        description
         drag        dismount    date        east        eat         emote
         exits       examine     equipment   empty       enter       fill
         follow      flee        fprompt     feed        get         give
         group       glance      gold        gt          gtell       gboards
         gnote       gtalk       help        hold        hl          i
         inventory   ide         ignore      insert      immlist     junk
         kill        l           look        lock        level       list
         languages   last        leave       light       laws        logout
         listen      mail        murder      mez         mplog       motd
         memorize    mistwalk    mana        north       name        ne
         nw          note        northeast   northwest   order       open
         oldscore    orders      outputprefixoutputsuffixotalk       put
         password    practice    pagelength  pull        push        prompt
         pager       panic       quaff       qui         quit        rest
         report      reply       remove      recite      rent        revert
         rip         reroll      records     request     south       se
         sw          say         sacrifice   sleep       stand       sell
         shove       sit         slist       smoke       socials     southeast
         southwest   speak       split       statreport  shoot       stafflist
         sayto       score       score2      sc2         s2          tell
         take        tamp        time        toggle      up          unlock
         value       visible     west        wake        who         wear
         whisper     wimpy       withdraw    weather     wield       zap
         ArchBishop - sw, 2w, 4n, u, and 2s from the Darkhaven Square