       Gopher Redundant Server Type
       According to RFC 1436:
         + Item is a redundant server
         The information applies to a duplicated server.  The information
         contained within is a duplicate of the primary server.  The primary
         server is defined as the last DirEntity that is has a non-plus
         "Type" field.  The client should use the transaction as defined by
         the primary server Type field.
       My interpretation is that the + entries are fallbacks for the
       previous DirEntity type above it.  
       DirEntity in RFC 1436 is defined as:
         DirEntity ::= Type User_Name Tab Selector Tab Host Tab Port CR-LF
       As a fallback, it's unclear if the "User_Name" section of the
       redundant (+) DirEntity should display in addition to the primary
       DirEntity, or if only the primary should be shown and the
       redundant entries used by the client as fallback in case of
       a server error response. The UMN Gopher client seems to prefer
       this later style, where only the primary DirEntity is visible to
       the end user.
       What follows is a test implementation of the + type that can be
       referenced by gopher client developers in their testing:
       Type 1 Test with 4 redundancies
 (DIR) gopher.black
 (DUP) tomasino's gopherhole on sdf.org
 (DUP) sdf mirror on gopher.club
 (DUP) gopher.black's tilde.town backup
       Type 0 Test with 2 redundancies
 (TXT) gopher application development
 (DUP) gopher application development