Shakuhachi Music, Notes, and More
       The Shakuhachi is an Japanese end-blown bamboo flute. It is tuned
       to the pentatonic minor scale, but is capable of producing
       virtually any pitch in a roughly 3 octave range. It is a Zen
       medatative instrument, but can also be used for traditional
       Japanese ensemble music, western folk, jazz, and more.
       Not only is the instrument capable of any pitch, but it offers
       extreme variety in tones and coloring by subtle changes in
       embouchere and movement of the head to modify the air-flow over
       the blowing edge (utaguchi).
       Music for the Shakuhachi spans a lot of different styles.
       In the eastern traditions there are the following general styles:
         doyo         - Children's songs
         minyo        - Folk tunes
         shinkyoku    - Music composed between 1900-1950
         gendai kyoku - Modern music
         san kyoku    - Trio music for shakuhachi, koto, and shamisen
         honkyoku     - Classical shakuhachi music for Zen meditation,
                        or a free-form in this style
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