(DIR) warp back
           ⢸⠰⡖⠁⡎⠀⠀⣠⡱⠀⡔⠁⠀⢀⣑⠈⢢⡄⢣   gopher sucks.
 (TXT)     D562 64D2 A57F AE7D 03A2  1802 71C1 7236 D466 504B
           ulcer <ulcer@sdf.org>
 (DIR) Source code of used scripts
       SDF-specific notes:
       - gophernicus doesn't redirect HTTPS links (if you post comment with such)
       - commenting takes long (20-30 seconds) due to sockstat usage for user
       ...and it doesn't blink (yet).
       170522:1046 bump  
       180131:1357 bump  
       180330:0414 WTF?  
       180909:1813 GOPHERS NOT DEAD!!  
 (QRY) Leave feedback