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       This is a gopher site located at gopher://sdf.org/1/users/vgk/.
       I created this site just for fun and educational purposes.
 (DIR) About Me
 (DIR) My Phlog
 (DIR) Phlog Archive
 (DIR) My CV
 (DIR) My Projects
 (DIR) My Essays
 (DIR) My Talks
 (DIR) Contact Me
 (TXT) Why is Gopher Still Relevant?
 (DIR) Server stats
 (DIR) Powered by Super-Dimensional Fortress (SDF.org)
 (HTM) Powered by Super-Dimensional Fortress (SDF.org)
       Other fun things you can do in Gopherspace.
       You can search the entire Gopherspace using Veronica-2.
 (QRY) Veronica-2 Search Engine
       You can browse Wikipedia through the gopher interface.
 (DIR) Gopherpedia
       You can read the great xkcd comic here on gopher.
 (DIR) xkcd - A Webcomic of Romance, Sarcasm, Math and Language.
       You can also browse other members Phlogs or Gopherspaces.
 (DIR) SDF Members Phlogosphere
 (DIR) SDF Members Gopherspace
       You can design your own ASCII text art! 
       Utilizes the open-source tool figlet.
 (DIR) Floodgap Figlet Gateway
       You can look at the current phase of the moon.
 (TXT) Current phase of the moon
       You can read todays thought for the day.
 (TXT) Tthought for the day
 (DIR) ..                                                                
 (DIR) about                                 2016-Jun-24 20:22   --------
 (DIR) contact                               2016-Jun-25 18:20   --------
 (DIR) cv                                    2016-Jun-24 20:22   --------
 (DIR) fanfiction                            2016-Jun-30 15:48   --------
 (DIR) phlog                                 2020-Aug-29 02:45   --------
 (DIR) speaking                              2016-Jun-24 20:22   --------
 (DIR) stats                                 2016-Jun-24 20:22   --------
 (DIR) writing                               2016-Jun-24 20:22   --------