Notes of Articles
       I've found that I read a lot of magazine articles, but often times 
       up as a jumble. In order to reflect more on what I read, I am writi
       some of the articles that I read.
       Harper's Magazine
 (TXT) Israel's War Within by Bernard Avishai in Harper's February 2024 (20240131)
       More about Bernard Avishai
 (TXT) Bernard Avishai on gopherpedia
       The following was lifted from the Queens Library website:
       Avishai is a young American who, like many of his generation, has h
       interest and personal involvement in Israel. Like many others, he t
       settle in Israel, but for a variety of reasons could not adjust to 
       He has been writing about current affairs in Israel and the Middle 
       number of years and this volume represents the culmination of his a
       date. The first part is a brief summary of the history of Zionism l
       establishment of the State of Israel. The second part deals with th
       after 1948 and includes both previous observations by the author as
       fresh insights, many critical of Israeli policy. The conclusions in
       clearly will not please all readers, which is perhaps exactly why i
       read. Recommended. Jehuda Reinharz, Near Eastern & Judaic Studies D
       Brandeis Univ., Waltham, Mass. (c) Copyright 2010. Library Journals
       wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution per
       Avishai has an interesting book called The Tragedy of Zionism
       ISBN 0374278636
 (HTM) The Tragedy of Zionism at Queens Public Library