       Stardate: 20190906.2055 
       Location: Parked in my car sitting in the trunk @ 
                 "Inspiration Point"
       Input Device: AlphaSmart dana.wireless
       Software: AlphaWord
       Audio: Pete Tong compilation
       Visual: The half-moon, the city lights, downtown LA...a city 
               of candles...
       Emotional State: Electric!
       Man, I feel charged tonight!  I'm at one of the local 
       inspiration points were kids go to park, or at least they 
       used to.  The city has placed shipping containers in strategic plac
       to discourage such nocturnal activities, but I found a nice spot in
       What a night, what a view!  What a sunset!  It is 81F and we have 
       a nice breeze up here on the hill and I got done just playing my 
       I'm actually up here doing 2 gopher-related tasks for 2 great ideas
       by tomasino and solderpunk.  One is trying to finish up a gopher 
       request from tomasino regarding the cool zine he is putting 
       together...the deadline is extended. [1]  I was one of the 
       people who actually forgot, so I am going to try and submit 
       something for the topic of, "hammer," before the end of the 
       weekend. (edit: it's actually due Saturday Morning, GMT :( )
       The other task is for a request from solderpunk.[2]  He had 
       requested for the phlogosphere to go phlog off...grid, 
       outside, somewhere I usually do not phlog.  Well, this is the 
       place and I am phlogging on the battery-powered AlphaSmart 
       dana.wireless.  The entry will be transmitted via Gemini PDA 
       via my car's wifi, via ssh, live and direct to SDF from 
       inspiration point overlooking the downtown grid of Los Angeles!  
       The transmit mechanism on the dana is pretty cool.  You 
       connect to the Gemini via USB, you open AlphaWord, and hit 
       the "send" button.  The text in AlphaWord basically gets 
       automagically typed to the Gemini terminal or whatever 
       USB device is connected.  The dana shows up as a keyboard and 
       you can even use it as a USB keyboard on the 
       Gemini/PC/Raspberry Pi/whatever.
       If you have a chance and you are reading this, I highly 
       encourage you to contribute and participate in the 
       OK, I'm gonna connect to SDF via ssh on the Gemini using the 
       dana as the keyboard tethered via USB and hit "send" to 
       transmit the entry...maybe at 9600 baud?   
       p.s. I'm gonna edit this after with the links to the 
       p.p.s.  OK, I get my ROOPHLOCH 2019 participation badge, lolz:
                 ---===[      ROOPHLOCH 2019        ]===--- 
                 ---===[ Participant Extraordinaire ]===---
       [1] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/0/%7esolderpunk/phlog/annou
       [2] gopher://sdf.org/1/users/tomasino/phlog/20190901-hammer-time-ex