       Stardate: 20230318.1050
       Location: BKSBUX
       Input Device: Gemini PDA
       Audio: Non-descript mix of conversations from coffee patrons, muzak.
       Visual: Coffee patrons, bright sunshine in the windows
       Emotional: Guarded  
       Lately, my mind has been feeling like I am walking through mud, just
       really slow, not clear and not really going anywhere...and that is
       where it's at.  I attribute this to being sick on and off for the
       past month.  We'll see how things are tomorrow.
       I keep being reminded of getting older.  Everybody is.  Everybody is
       one day older than yesterday if you are alive.
       I don't think I have much problems with this, but I am aware of it.  
       Little things, like seeing my kids getting older, my daily regimen 
       of medicines, my longer recovery period when getting sick, people I 
       knew getting sick and passing on.  It is a good reminder for me to
       live in the sacred now...today is a gift and that is why it's called
       the present, right?  All we are is dust in the wind, dude!  
       Carpe capulus!  