       Stardate: 20230408.1553 
       Location: the lab
       Input Device: AlphaSmart dana.wireless
       Software: AlphaWord
       Audio: the washer and dryer
       Visual: reduced-cluttered desk
       Emotional State: warm, sleepy
       April 2023 five questions from christyotwisty:[1]
       CoT: What is your most memorable recent dream?
       xiled: Most memorable recent dream...I cannot recall any.  Most of 
              the time these days, I do not remember my dreams.  I think it 
              has to do with my sleeping disorder.  I do recall rememberance 
              in the past.  Anything recent is usually more of a feeling that 
              I have dreamt, but the recollection escapes me.
       CoT: What instantly improves a sub-par day?
       xiled: Having the presense of mind that the day sucks and knowing 
              that I can reboot at any moment helps me to improve a sub-par 
              day.  If I can, I call, email, text, etc., a friend.  If I 
              cannot, I pray about it and do the next indicated action.  
       CoT: Is there an uncommon, little-known, wellness or beauty hack you 
       xiled: If my hair is out of sorts and I don't have time to fix my 
              hair like I usually do, I will put hand lotion in my hair 
              (unscented, if possible) and comb fingers through my hair 
              instead of the usual hair products.
       CoT: What is something that feels embarrassing but shouldn't?
       xiled: ...  Making mistakes?  It's how I learn.  Nothing concrete 
              really comes to mind at the moment.
       CoT: If you live in a small space, how do you responsibly discard or 
            recycle excess items?
       xiled: Stop accumulating.  Give items to friends or family.  Donate 
              to Goodwill or other charities.
       March 2023 Five Questions [2] (since I didn't get to answer them)
       CoT: 1. If you were a potato chip (potato crisp, croustille), what 
               flavour would you be? 
       xiled: Potato chips made at home with Old Bay Seasoning or Red 
              Rooster Hot Sauce, since DIY.
       CoT: 2. What's the most unusual way you've made a new friend? 
       xiled: *xiled queues, "We've Got Tonight," by Bob Seger*
       I know it's late
       I know you're weary
       I know your plans don't include me
       Still here we are
       Both of us lonely
       Longing for shelter from all that we see
       Why should we worry?
       No one will care girl
       Look at the stars so far away...
       CoT: 3. Tell me of a film, miniseries, play, or book wherein your
               sympathies for the protagonist shifted to the antagonist. 
               What caused the sympathy shift?
       xiled: The Walking Dead - when Negan went from evil guy to not so 
               evil remorseful, redemption guy.
               NEGAN!  NEGAN!!
       CoT: 4. I wish to improve my Gopher phlog. I could justify the text,
               or add RSS functionality, or add external links of interest. 
               What are your recommended resources for getting me beyond 
               the basics?
       xiled: m0ar ASCII art!
               Seriously, I think what is more important is the content 
               that is phosted.  The rest is window dressing.
       CoT: 5. What's an entree you prepare so well at home that you don't 
               order it at a restaurant? 
       xiled: Steel-cut oatmeal?  Chili in the slow cooker?  I'd still buy 
              at a restaurant since slow-cooked chili takes time.
       [1] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/christyotwisty/phlog/2023-April-Five-Questions.
       [2] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/christyotwisty/phlog/2023-March-Five-Questions.