       Stardate 20231116.1032: 
       Location: BKSBUX
       Input Device: AlphaSmart dana.wireless
       Software: AlphaWord
       Audio: SBUX Muzak
       Visual: Fairly busy SBUX on a weekday
       Emotional State: I'm okay.
       My job status has changed from gainfully employed to happily without
       employment, but looking.  The road to the current status change 
       started after my boss was laid off back in April.  The change in 
       management changed drastically, along with my job responsibilities.  
       Even though they were not happy with my skillset in regards to their 
       agenda, I stuck it out until the end. They did not make it easy..and 
       I guess I did not make it easy for them as well, having taken a Leave 
       of Absense for two months with my torn achilles.  I also did my best 
       and worked really hard even though I saw the writing on the wall and 
       they were doing their best to make things challenging for me.   
       This past Tuesday, I had a feeling that they were going to change my
       job status at our morning meeting.  Before the meeting, I collected 
       myself, said a quick prayer, and joined the video call.  My boss (I 
       will call "Y") and my boss's boss (I will call "Z") was already there, 
       which is not usual for them.  Z started as soon as I joined basically 
       stating my status change. Y said nothing.  I basically thanked them 
       for the opportunity to serve the community at this capacity and 
       allowing for me to attempt to "course correct," even though it did 
       not meet their expectations.  I mentioned that if they needed 
       anything from me in the future or if they needed my skillset, to not 
       hesitate to reach out.
       After that, Y still said nothing and Z said, "All sentiments aside, 
       we will be FedExing you your last paycheck, shipping labels...blah, 
       blah, blah." The call ended after the instructions.
       This was not surprising, considering how they have been with me since 
       April.  I was quite proud of how I handled myself in light of all of 
       this.  It took great effort for me to not lash out during this 
       meeting or in the months previously.  I continued working as hard as 
       I do, not letting the circumstances impact my work or how I worked 
       with the team.  I went the distance with them and even though they 
       fired me, I did not let myself get in the way and do or say anything 
       that I would later regret.
       When I lost my job during The Pandemic, it was very hard for me and
       I struggled quite a bit with the loss.  This round, I think I am in a 
       better, much stronger place...and I did not get in the way. 