In particular, the reply functionality mentioned
       in these posts is no longer working.
       Yargo's glog
       (gopherlog - most people seem to call such entries a phlog,
       but for personal historical reasons I stick to my choice, and
       the more logical way to call it would be rlog, anyway...)
 (TXT) Sony PRS-600 e-ink digital reader and Gopher [g101831534]
 (TXT) nago updated: now handles filenames with spaces [g100290011]
 (TXT) glog.sh updated: does now timestamping for [g|ph]log directory [g093521303]
 (TXT) Somebody had the same idea some time ago for a chat/wall! [g093381004]
 (DIR) +--> glog.fosconetwork.org
 (TXT) chag - a demo mole [g093350930]
 (TXT) Simplifying replying [g093340026]
 (TXT) Phlogosphere [g093300910]
 (DIR) +--> phlogosphere.org
 (TXT) replying by e-mail to glog with mglog.sh [g093281249]
 (TXT) mini gopher cient "nago" updated [g093281243]
 (TXT) Yup, I like it! [g093270057]
 (TXT) link/map file is now working again
 (TXT) Phlogs become hot!
 (TXT) another try at glog
 (TXT) SDF out of order!
 (TXT) plenty of snow
 (TXT) pygopherd
 (TXT) discussion about glog
 (TXT) glog is operational