Owner's Profile

Here's my biodata and my biography

Here's list of my stuff

Case 0x00000001 :
In 1997, My Mother bought me a IBM PC with Windows 95 inside as my birthday gift. And at the same time my father taught me "how to program with PASCAL", and some basic about HTML.

Case 0x00000002 :
In 1998, my first program with PASCAL is "calculator", with some little "numerical analysis" inside. I was very happy about it.

Case 0x00000003 :
In 1999, My Father introduced me with "main concept of cryptography", including "Random Number Generator", "Modular Arithmetics", "Numbering System", "ASCII Table", he taught me all about that because i ask about him how "Caesar Cipher and Rot13 Cryptosystem" Work. :)

Case 0x00000004 :
In 2000-2002 --> vacuum, i'm gonna focused in my school

Case 0x00000005 :
In 2003, I've tried to learning C Programming Language. First time i think this programming language is bit more complex than PASCAL, so i dare to learn this "C".

Case 0x00000006 :
In 2004, gradually i leave this PASCAL, and change into C. Because i think C is interesting. and try to implement "MD4 Cryptosystem" into C

Case 0x00000007 :
In 2005, My Father introduced me into UNIX-like operating system. In this time, my father use RedHat Linux. This terminal shell is interesting.

Case 0x00000008 :
In 2006, I try to learn some of "bash" command, such as "ls", "diff", "chmod", "mkdir", "insmod", "make", "chown", "sysctl" and many more.. :D

Case 0x00000009 :
In 2006 until 2007, i try to visit milw0rm, a lot of vulnerabilities lean out there... :D

Case 0x0000000a :
In 2008, begin to making shellcode

Case 0x0000000b :
In 2011, joins devilzc0de.org and i've met a lot of interesting people

Case 0x0000000c :
In 2012, Go deeper in my study about linux kernel