# Managing the hole As a lot of us here in gopher space I also wrote my scripts to manage my gopher hole. As I only knew bash, NetBSD's ksh was new and exciting for me. So I wrote a couple of ksh scripts: one creates a new entry and calls `par` to justify the text. It shows the results of justification using `less` where I can accept or decline it. After that it calls another script to update the gopher map. This one reads the file list in the phlog directory, sorts them and creates the gophermap. The last script allows me to edit an entry by listing all the entries in the directory and letting me chose one that will be opened in vim. I once again reinvented the wheel, but I need a "real" project to learn a new programming language and this one helped me to learn a lot about ksh scripting. Switching from Esperanto to English was also easy as I already had all the config in variables at the beginning of the scripts. I just extracted these to a separate file that I simply source at the beginning of my individual scripts.