# Fossil remote Using the fossil docs [0] I managed to set up a fossil server on my VPS. First I updated my fossil instances on Debian, macOS and NetBSD to the most recent 2.10 version. On NetBSD (i.e. here on SDF) I had to compile it from the sources, but then I could connect over https to my remote repo on the VPS. On macOS brew cleanup failed as after the update to Catalina it reported that it had no permissons on a couple of .DS_Store files. I simply deleted those and after that I could upgrade my brew installation of fossil. As I am only an arpa user, I do not have access to git on SDF, but now fossil gives me the opportunity to put my ksh scripts and the contents of this gopher hole under fossil version management and do some updates outside of SDF, too. Fossil can export to git, so that you can have a git mirror (on Github or anywhere else) of your repo. I need to check that out, too. [0] https://www.fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/server/any/scgi.md