# Home I'm currently sitting at the airport. I've already gone through security and am waiting now for boarding which is scheduled in a little less than one and a half hours. I'm flying to my parent's place, but not for Christmas. They are visiting us, but are not comfortable at the airport, so first I am flying to them and then on Sunday we are going to fly back home. The airline I'm flying with today will shut down its base here, so maybe there won't be any direct flights next year. Whenever I was flying with them the planes were always full, but I know there are other factors involved in this decision. It will also be a setback for the airport. No, I am not ashamed that I am flying. It's not like I am flying every week, it's rather only one or two occasions in a year. I'm sorry, but even with waiting 2 hours at the airport the journey takes only maybe 40% of the time as it would take by car or train. And as I am flying low-cost and only with one rucksack the price is comparable to that of a train ticket. But it saves me a lot of time I can spend with my family.