# Coffee, tea, vger and day trippers There is a big supermarket nearby where we usually go shopping and of course they have a loyalty card. We have two cards belonging to the same points-based account, but most of the time my wife uses her card as even if we go together I am merely the driver and porter. Last year we spent some points on a capsule coffee machine. Theoretically the capsules are recycled together with all the other packaging that here in Germany we put into the yellow bag. I'm not entirely convinced as there are all the coffee and tea rests in the capsules. Do they really have something to take these apart and then recycle the plastic and the aluminum foil and whatnot? What can I do? My wife does not like "real" coffee, she says that even the mildest one is too strong for her. She always drinks those 3-in-1 things or cappuccinos. I do not like coffee either, but there were some teas available for this type of machine (no names as they did not pay for product placement :) and she has her many cappuccino variants. Now they sent the info that the teas will be discontinued and they also present some "alternatives": coffee from Peru, latte macchiato, etc. Thank you so much, so I should change to coffee then, right? No. That's it when you depend on a single supplier. There are some other manufacturers offering compatible capsules, but no teas. These were online exclusive and maybe no one apart from me bought them. It's called a coffee machine, not tea machine, dummy. ## Gemini I was fiddling with the vger source code a bit to get it working on Debian. I installed the libbsd-dev package because of strlcpy() and strlcat(), included the right header (bsd/string.h), added the level to the syslog() calls as the original code contained only the facility and that triggered a broadcast message for all even for info level messages. I generated a self-signed cert and put vger behind nginx using a tcp reverse proxy like described in [0]. So now I have a simple Gemini server on the vps. ## Day trippers The police are preparing for day trippers flocking to the mountains on the weekend as the new corona measures are going to be valid from Monday. So next week we will only be allowed to go as far as 15 km measured from the city limit sign. The parking lots near the recreational areas were already full on Wednesday as the day of the arrival of the Three Kings is a holiday in Bavaria. This morning on the radio they reported that the number of municipalities having more than 200 new infections per 100k residents decreased. I hope this weekend won't cause another spike in the number of new cases. Living in a big city that 15 km radius is not so bad, but imagine a small town in the middle of nowhere with an incidence value above 200. [0]: https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/load-balancer/tcp-udp-load-ba lancer/