# Diet Day 11 We are one and a half weeks into our diet. My wife joined me on this although she does not need such a strict diet. We are doing a SIBO diet, which is a very strict minimum carbs diet to get rid of the bad bacteria. Basically all you get is proteins and fat like in keto but even stricter. So currently we are always in the kitchen as you have to cook/bake everything. Breakfast is hard. The first two days we ate eggs and bacon, but then we made some flat "bread" using linseed, almond flour and such. A lot of nuts and seeds are permitted. After experimenting a bit with not so delicious recipes we finally found a good one on a keto website called keto buns. The first week was hell as we were very tired, had headaches mixed with dizziness and we had to get right into the kitchen after work to prepare something for the next day. Why I need all this? Quite frankly I diagnosed myself as the doc only said that yeah, after surgery SIBO can occur but we cannot do hydrogen breath test because of covid. Thank you very much. Fortunately you can make the bad bacteria suffer if you do not give them their favorite food: carbs. So I do not need a diagnosis and a prescription. I read multiple documents about SIBO and particularly one by swiss docs described all my symptoms including the situation after you get an atibiotics treatment in a hospital - which I did. Fact is: almost all my symptoms went away on the second day of not eating carbs. It will be hard to keep up with this during Christmas, but hey, I feel well. And as a side effect I lost weight. To be honest I tried to lose weight since the end of September so I lost ~7 kg in 10 weeks. Pretty good. Today I made the keto buns after work again that will be our breakfast tomorrow and my wife is cooking the main course right now. ----------- Yesterday when surfing the web a bit, somewhere I saw REBOL mentioned. I checked and the website is still there you can download the interpreter and it works! At least the 64 bit linux version I tested. I do not really remember the language itself but I know I loved it. It was something else, very much not like C or the kind. Development stopped many years ago and REBOL 3 never got out of its alpha stage. There is a similar language called Red that claims to be 95% source compatible with REBOL. I was perusing the REBOL/Core Users Guide today a bit. I want to write some scripts again! But I had to bake my buns...