# Friday The first work week of 2022 is finally over. Today was a bit less productive than I expected. A coworker called with a problem which we solved and then had a lengthy chat about this and that - not strictly work related. As my wife returned home from work she told me that we could be facing quarantine as one of her coworker's husband tested positive. The coworker has been sent to a PCR test too, after she showed up today in work. We have to wait till Monday now. If she tests positive then most probably all the others, including my wife, will be tested and could face quarantine even if they are negative as they had contact to an infected person. And I will be in the office next week. I think I already wrote about this, but I am simply more productive in an office environment. The current circumstances are ideal for this as there are only a few people in the office so the background noise level is at a minimum. But these few include my boss and the manager of one of my projects. Enjoy your weekend!