# Finfine vendredo Finally, it's Friday! The latest macOS update did the trick and everything is normal again, my laptop does not hastily devour it's battery anymore. It ran on battery from Sunday to Thursday, but I used it only for a few minutes to check on gopher, mails and to fix an off-by-1 error in my todo app. At work I had to install a Windows update, otherwise it will be installed forcefully in the next weeks and it could start at an unconvenient time. It was a piece of cake, everything went smoothly and after the final reboot I deleted the Windows.old folder. So now I have more free space on C: than before the update. On Thursday the stormy winds caused by cyclone Ylenia hit our region. I think we did not even reach gale-force winds in the city, it was just near gale with wind speeds around 50 km/h. So nothing was blown away from our balcony. However the wind was much stronger in the north and the schools were closed in the state of Nordrhein-Westfalen. Even in our vicinity some cities closed their schools on Thursday. The local newspaper published an article on Wednesday that you must report to work even if the storm hits us. While driving to the office in the morning I did not really feel how strong the wind was blewing, only after I got out of the car. And now after Ylenia comes cyclone Zeynep (seriously, who gives them those names?) and according to the warnings will hit us tonight. But they said it will be even milder in our region. I can hear the wind becoming more lively right now. But hey, weekend!