# Impetus formicarum Once again the ants attacked a few weeks ago. I placed insecticidal bait in their path and yesterday I only saw a single one alive. They entered somewhere in the corner of our smallest room that I use partly as an office. The spot of course was covered by a file cabinet but I went on a hunt after I spotted multiple ants running up and down in the room. A little happy and well fed spider already spotted them and made a web in the corner. Below this web lied the earthly remains of maybe 6 ants, so the spider must've been really satisfied. Tomorrow I'll have to replace the baits with fresh ones. Hopefully that'll keep the ants at bay. Soon Sunday will end here in the middle of Europe, but tomorrow is a holiday. And Terunofuji won the May Basho. I played Zelda TOTK and we had a great walk under bright sunshine today.