# Adventus codicis After a very long hiatus, it's time to update the phlog a bit. In the last months I had to take care of my wife as she had surgery early September. So apart from doing all the household chores, taking her to see the docs and working, nothing really happened. Gladly I have only one single workday left in this year - and that's going to be tomorrow. After that I have almost 3 weeks off. I am tired enough, so it's about time to have some free time again. It has been a lot easier lately as wife can move around on her own again and does not need to be transported everywhere. I wanted to do the Advent of Code challenges every day, which I also did - at least in the first week. This week work has been a bit more demanding, so I fell behind. I mostly used TypeScript running on Deno and Rust occasionally. I even thought that it would be great to pick up Swift again, but I am much faster in TypeScript, so I dropped the idea and used my limited free time to quickly implement the solutions in TypeScript where I do not have to look up every single API call or language construct I need. We had some snow here in Nuremberg a couple of weeks ago, but Munich has been hit hard. Trains and the airport were heavily affected by the snow and they closed the airport for two days I think. I somehow managed to catch COVID and had high fever for almost an entire week, the cough and runny nose haunted me for two weeks after that. Fortunately I can work from home whenever I want to. Tomorrow I'll drop into the office again to see some folks before everyone is headed to the Christmas vacation.