```SDF Gemini _______ ____ _____ _ _ / __/ _ \/ __/__ __ __ / ___/__ __ _ (_)__ (_) _\ \/ // / _// -_) // / / (_ / -_) ' \/ / _ \/ / /___/____/_/ \__/\_,_/ \___/\__/_/_/_/_/_//_/_/ ``` ## gemini://sdfeu.org #This index is sorted by latest activity first. To be added: mkdir /sdfeu/gemini/${LOGNAME} and create an index.gmi file => utanapischti/ utanapischti May-06 2021 # ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬, 𝔊𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔦 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡! => radian/ radian Jan-10 2022 # Hello, is this thing on ? => tepes/ tepes Nov-21 2021 => test.txt => trevorb/ trevorb Dec-09 2015 # TrevorB's Capsule => alexey/ alexey May-08 2021 This is a test => carlo/ carlo Apr-10 2021 Welcome to the Open Space System (OSS). => fmoon/ fmoon Apr-03 2021 This is a test