This projects page is more than a decade out of date. See my contact page for more up-to-date web links. The rest of this page is left as I wrote it years ago. Here is a (hopefully up to date) list of my most noteworthy projects: 1) Current projects - kdtree A cross-platform C library for working with kd-tree data structures. license: 3-clause BSD license web: svn: - free spacenav A free driver for 3dconnexion's 6dof space-mice (3d input devices) and acompanying SDK compatible with 3dconnexion's properietary "Magellan SDK". Currently the driver only works under GNU/Linux. FreeBSD implementation underway, and other free UNIX systems planned to be supported in the future. license: GNU GPL v3 (driver), and 3-clause BSD license (SDK). web: svn: - libfixgl A fixed-point OpenGL implementation, for portable devices without a floating point unit. license: GNU GPL v3 web: svn: - fx2 (working name) A set of libraries for various graphics programming tasks. In essence a loosly coupled 3D engine. No release yet, code available through svn svn: svn:// - beholder (working name) A completely modular photorealistic raytracing system. No release yet, code available through svn svn: svn:// - OSP (working name) Small self-education project for the creation of a minimal UNIX-like kernel. No release yet (or ever), code available through svn svn: svn:// - Xtiny A tiny X server (X11) implementation from scratch. No release yet. - wm2x A small X11 window manager for portable devices with little screen estate. No release yet. - leitmotif A simple easy to use motif wrapper. No release yet, code available through svn svn: svn:// - win-x-move Move and resize windows on ms-windows, with alt-drag like on most X11 window managers. license: GNU GPL v3 web: svn: 2) Old abandoned projects - 3dengfx Realtime visualization system (3d engine). Development stopped, but it is very usable. In fact it's been used in many demos and private research projects. Still, there are outstanding bugs. license: GNU GPL v2 (or later) web: svn: svn:// - xray Cross-platform, client-server, photorealistic rendering system. No actual release. Project abandoned due to bad design and hasty implementation, in favor of project beholder (see above). Not in usable condition. Still, code available through svn under the GNU GPLv2 (or later). svn: svn:// - libgba A vary handy library I was working on, for GameBoy Advance development. It provides graphics, rudimentary but reliable terminal I/O, interrupts, UNIX-like signals, and timers. I found out afterwards that there is another library floating around the net called "libgba", so if I ever continue working on this I'll have to change its name. The only reason I stopped developing it, is because I don't do GBA development any more, since I got a gp2x. The code is available through svn, under the GNU GPLv2 (or later). svn: svn://