Fri Sep 8 20:05:01 UTC 2023 I just discovered -- I don't really keep up with online resources, and I to be (like perl) a nice and stable home. I've watched resources come and go - I've lost untold content in the process (geocities, myspace, LtU, hello??). I recently discovered because of a nice benchmarking article published by a long standing community member: Benchmarking Perl Core Class in v5.38 By John Napiorkowski So I guess this is like some kind of substack for developer blogging? I only recently discovered that resource also. John also has a new post that I found very thought provoking. A Rational Process for Perl Language Feature Development It seems topical and relavent for sure. I will be paying more attention to in the future. If you know of other Perl bloggers in, please link them in the comments. As for me, I plan on sticking with good old Like I've said, I've lost a lot of content over the years to huge blogging platforms. Hope will stand up to time. Cheers.