20 August 2020 --------------- So, now it is the second month after i decided, that an Atari 520ST will be my primary PC. What have i learned so far? 1. 1 MB can be HUGE In todays world of Gigabytes, Terabytes and an nearly endless supply of online space, you tend to think BIG. The first weeks after i started my retro adventure, i thought, i would never fit all the data i need for my dayly routine on tiny 720 kb floppydisks... i mean, look at an normal word file: You will be easyly in the megabyte-range. But surprisingly... it works. The first weeks i saved only on floppydisks, but after i purchased an ATARI SH205 Harddisk (with gigantic 25 MB for storage!) for a few bucks i have clearly no need for more room. I have installed my needed applications on one 5 MB partition, use the other for my files and have still much, much room left. Its a sobering thougt how much space is today just wasted by overhead... 2. Single-Tasking is a challenge, but possible better in the end Ok, its a bit of a challenge to switch from multiple open browser tabs, a playing youtube video, a word processor running in the background and a graphics suite i just forget to close to just 1 active task. I took me a while, but now i think i am much more productive... at least i have not a ton of distractions that keep me from working. 3. The software is GOOD One may think an over 30 year old computer would have only crappy software by todays standard... but i was totally surprised how good, lean and productive the software for this system is. I use mainly spreadsheets and word processors for my daily routine, but they all work like a charm and are just working "snappy".