30 August 2020 -------------- Interesting times we life in: Yesterday there was a massive protest in Berlin against the action of the government to limit / prevent the spread of the corona virus. At first the protest was banned by the local police of Berlin, a decision which was - thankfully - overridden by the courts. Not surprisingly, the protest was big, loud, and was quickly turned down by the police after multiple warnings and calls to respect the limitations given by the court (e.g. keeping distance and wearing masks). What i really don't like is the tone in which the media reports the case: Yes, some of this people ARE a bit crazy, but to label them all "Nazis" or "Conspiracy Theorists" don't heciety together. On a bit more positive note: I have finally found out how to make ZMODEM transfers with my WifiRS232 Modem without receiving an error. So, no wild copying of files from PC > 1.44 MB Floppy > old Laptop > 720 KB Floppy > Atari anymore.