tz 05 July 2020 --------------- Ok, now i have officially started blogging, or better: Phlogging I think there is no better format to document the adventures of using retrotech in the modern day. As it seems that the pandemic -at least in germany- is slowly dying down its time to think about what this year of chaos brought so far: At first its safe to say it brought out the weirdest side of the people. I remember seeing two guys fighting over toiletpaper, i remember a guy grocery shopping in full military hazmat gear and i remember the shear "going crazy" experience in the public. On the positive side: The experience of empty highways und just seeing a car every now and then was fascinating. So it must have been in the 50s and 60s i think. Another positive effect was the plus on free time: In germany we are lucky, as there is something called "Kurzarbeit", you get paid by your company for the real time you work and around 70 percent of the difference to your regular salary is paid by the government. So my wife and i had much more time to work on our barn conversion.