-------------------- 04 May 2021 -------------------- Its a long time since my last entry in this phlog... and much has happened in the last months! To start: My dad went to the hospital with an broken spine (god knows how he managed to get this) and massive inflamation in the whole body. To boost things: Because of his bad overall state and the heavy medication he was got delirious while he was in there... and with 80 years of age the docs thought this was the onset of some form of dementia. Lets just say: It was not nice for him or the whole family. The stress of my dad in this bad state has lead to some turmoil in the rest of the family too: My wife and my mom clashed and we even considered abandoning our barn restoration project and moving somewhere else... but now, everything is at least on the way to better times. My dad is back from the hospital and not delirious anymore (thank GOD!) but has still some problems with his memory and is suffering a bit of a depression. But i think things are improving. And we are staying with our project. On the professional side of things: I want a job change. I have worked as an sysop now for nearly... wow... 15 years and i am totally fed up with this gloryfied janitor job. Yes, user interaction, fixing problems and so on are fun, but over the time i really got the urge to do some more developement and programming. In my current job i DO code software, but i do this between showing users how write an email (for the umpteenth time) or changing mice or keyboards... its just not that fun. So, i am now (re-) learning lisp and hope to land anywhere in the industry sometimes this year. Perhaps at first only as a side-gig, but lets see... And i have FINALLY gotten to set up an CLI only workstation using an raspberry pi. Its amazing how fast things get if you strip away all the bling.