19.05.2021 ----------- Keeping phlogging and keeping getting weird ideas ;-) After my Raspberry Pi Workstation is working perfectly fine, my eye fell on a old Laptop lying around in my dads office... its an ECS "Laptop" without a battery... more or less a slightly modern "portable" computer with an 1 Ghz Transmeta Crusoe CPU and about 512 MB Ram. If i remember correctly, the Laptop was bought somewhere around 1999 up to 2001. What would life be without challenges, so i got an SUSE 8.0 Linux distro (also from around the timeframe of the laptop) and installed it. Its surprising how well it holds up the test of time: The desktop of KDE 3.0 still looks pleasant, its reasonable fast, and - most surprising - nearly everything (except the soundcard) works out of the box. I think i will use this for the next meeting in the company... i must hold up my reputation as the weird computer guy ;-)