20 May 2021 ------------ Ok, its going down (Covid19) and its going up (my mood)... Why? Now... my dad had his share of problems after he returned from the hospital a few weeks ago, but in the last few days he is back to his old self. And so my mum is back to her normal self because she is not any more in her constant "killer mood" due to my dads problems... All in all: Its looking good for now. At work its rather boring the last few days, its not that i don't have nothing to do... its rather that i don't have any INTERESTING things to do... I had made an interesting observation: Is gopher perhaps gaining popularity? It seems that more and more people are digging gopherholes and more and more interesting sites are popping up... perhaps the www has reached its peak and is now declining, and in a few years we have a central "commercinet" (like BTX back in the day in germany) and the more hidden "true" internet for the nerds and tech-people... Oh, i registered me on the midnight.pub a few days ago, it seems like a nice community!