20. November 2020 ----------------- Even if you consider that there is an raging pandemic out there and growing civil unrest (civil unrest in Germany... quiet unbelievable), i can say i am happy at the moment. At work i am doing classic sysop stuff, managing our network, introducing a few new tools and much maintenance work, which gives me much free time to learn new things. Interestingly, a friend of mine has followed my example and is now using an old Sun Sparcstation as his main PC. Why? Because he grow tired of the constant update of Windows 10 (or Linux) and the "always connected" work style most modern office workers are inclined to. He now checks his email once or twice a day and can other ways work undisturbed on his stuff. I dont think this way of "techno-primitivism" is something for everyone, but it CAN have its benefits i think. ---------------------------------------------- Addendum: Did i write i am happy? I just read an Twitter post from a nurse treating Covid19 patients who still - even in a state where they need oxygen through a mask - denies that Covid exists and are attacking the hospital staff verbally... un-fucking-believable. My parents lived through the hongkong-flu and asian-flu pandemics, but they did never read from such lunatics. Perhaps this was a better time: No, i dont think the people where more sane or better, i just think you just didnt notice the crazies...