24 November 2020 ---------------- Ok, this not really nice year is finally closing - thank the gods! And at least it seems that the closing days of this year are going to have some good news. I mean, now there are three vaccines close to approval and our government (that is the german government in this case) is now preparing mass-vaccination As i am writing this post i am learning to use "ed", the classic unix line editor. Why? Let´s say Hacker Nws is to blame. There was a article from another lunatic like myself who likes obscure tools, more specifically: ed on CP/M. One may ask why i do learn some crazy obsolete tool like this in the year 2020, but i think it can be quiet reasonable: First, this tool will work on ANY Unix / Linux machine, even with a horrible slow internet connection, than i must point out, that i really like SIMPLE tools: And i think only writing on a typewriter could be more simple than using "ed". After some adjustment time i now start to like the way you work with ed: you just start typing your stuff and after you are finished with a line, a section or a complete text, you start making changes with either the search- and replace function, or going on line by line. I think this could even be more efficient than the classic "nerd editors" like vi or emacs: You really don´t need to go away from the typing keys, neither to use te mouse, not to use some special key combination. I think i will stay with ed for the moment, and observe how much it works out for me.