03 September 2020 ------------------- As you may see, i have -finally- gotten my gophermaps to work. What was the secret? Easy: The gophermap has to have a 644 permissions instead of 755. The funny thing is: After i found out the correct question, google gives me tons of the right answer. On my work life i can only say, this year is shitty as hell. Yeah, i liked to work for a small "family owned" industrial company, it gave me an great opportunity to work with a degree of freedom rarely seen. But where light is, there are shadows: I am the only sysop responsible for the entire company, additionally i AM the purchasing departement, i am the graphics designer, i am responsible for some key-accounts and ... sometimes i drive forklifts. To put it mildly, i do the job of three people, and this produces errors. And now they want to get my ass over this errors. Alas, since last week i am applying for new jobs, and since the economy in germany was not hit SO bad by Covid i hope to get a new one soon.