20 September 2020 ----------------- Its odd how som things cross sometimes your mind: Now we are reching autumm of the year 2020... 2020! I am a child of the 80s and 90s, back then i thought in 2020 we would life THE FUTURE, flying cars and so on (granted, flying cars -or better: Giant drones- are now possible). Yeah, i admit, i was some super optimistic little brat. Now we are approaching more a Shadowrun (alas, no dragons so far) or Cyberpunk style of future. I mean, has not Elon Musk recently announced that they now are researching brain interfaces for mobile phones? I would say at least THIS is a bit cool. The year 2020 sees also a year of change in my wifes and my personal life: My wife now had an really good running interview with a mid-sized company in the health industry and its looking good so far, and i my self are going to have my second interview on tuesday. Our "Barn project" is going forward also, at least our future living room is now nearly finished and we had yesterday an really good 8 hour workig day so that our bathroom is also approaching a state in which it is at least recognizable as an sepparate room.