-- "pharc" a  phlog archiver (01-01-12) --
       Today I have finished writing a script to automatically archive all
       my phlog posts on a yearly basis. For the phlog, I use a script I
       found on sdf that is called 'mkphlog', written by octotep. Each entry
       is named: 
        $(date +%m-%d-%y)
       My script is called 'pharc' which stands for "phlog archiver". What
       it basically does is:
        - Perform tests to see whether the script can be safely run or not.
        - Create an archive directory named: $(date +'%Y')and move files
        - Edit and create the new gophermaps.
       It is very simple but as far as my own tests go it is both functional
       and handy for anybody writing a phlog using 'mkphlog'. So 
       I would say that using 'mkphlog' + 'pharc' is the perfect combination
       to maintain your phlog. 
       You can find the script here: 
 (HTM) pharc
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1