-- Gopher tutorial at sdf-eu (01-29-12) --
       Yesterday in the afternoon I updated the gopher tutorial in the
       sdf-eu web site. I had to do a little more work that I had 
       initially thought. But it was worth it. Thanks to memnon for checking
       out and fixing my errors (I was a bit distracted doing other things).
       The tutorial can be found here:
 (HTM) http://sdfeu.org/w/tutorials:gopher
       There is a group of people (small group so far) interested in
       updating the website. I'm trying to help them even though I do not 
       have much time left. I do my best though. Please, consider joining
       them/us. See bboard or join #sdf.
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1