git, git, git
       Saturday Mar 31  9:09:10 2012
       Today I have fixed some issues I had with two of my git repositories.
       On a regular basis I use four of them. These two I had the problems
       with were the ones I have at Branchable, which happen to be my
       website and my blog. 
       A while ago I had to change some important settings because of a bug
       and as a result I couldn't properly 'push' or 'pull'. With Branchable
       this is not a big issue because you can create and edit all your
       files using a web interface but it is definitely better to be able to
       use git. 
       This is to say that now everything seems to work as expected so I can
       sit down and relax and get ready for the Easter holiday which is just
       here around the corner...
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1