mkphlog v0.4 released
       Wednesday Jul 25  9:46:40 2012
       mkphlog v0.4 has been released. You can read the official release
       announcement on gopher:
 (DIR) mkphlog_v0.4
       I was expecting to test the feature that allows you to make and
       publish a phlog post from a text file. In fact this post has 
       been created like that. The procedure is very simple. You write a
       text file and name it, for example, my_text_file. Then simply type:
       For more information please read the official announcement and/or use
       the -h (help) option of mkphlog.
       ps. Thank you Octotep for such a nice and handy program like this one
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1