Irssi proxy at sdf-eu
       Wednesday Sep 26  6:39:34 2012
       Having a shell account at sdf/sdf-eu is a fantastic thing to have.
       There is absolutely no doubt about it. Not only can you do a lot of
       things with access to a remote machine but also you can learn many
       new things sharing your knowledge with really computer savvy people.
       I have been using tmux + weechat at sdfeu for a long time. I had
       tried to take advantage of irssi's proxy but I had not been 
       able to use it properly because I didn't know how to configure things
       to work with ipv4 (the ports on odin are ipv6) but I could 
       finally configure it thanks to a post by thgrnhrnt on the Meta bboard
       named "irssi proxy setup". Thanks to a reply by omwah 
       first and to a later irc talk with thgrnhrnt did the trick.
       Now I have my irssi proxy up and running connected on sdfeu and I use
       my local client to connect to it as if it were a bouncer. 
       Well, some would claim it *is*.
       I'm writing here a quick reference in order not to forget how to do
       it and who knows, it might be helpful for someone else trying to do
       the same.
       0. Remember to start irssi inside 'screen' or 'tmux'. I use 'tmux'.
       1. First steps first (following the official irssi documentation):
       Load the proxy: /LOAD proxy
       In order to load it automatically, add '/load proxy' to .irssi/startup
       2. Set a password for the proxy.
       /SET irssiproxy_password <password>
       3. Configure the ports for the networks you want to connect to. As a
       user I have port 63930 assigned. Do not copy, it is all mine ;)
       In order to know yours type 'id'. Your 'uid' number is your initial
       /SET irssiproxy_ports oftc=63930 freenode=63931 sdf=63932 
       4. To check that it is open, you can use: netstat -a | grep 63930
       and now continue configuring irssi as omwah said:
       > You need to add something like this to your .irssi/config:
       > Under settings->proxy:
       >    irssiproxy_bind = "";
       > This will bind to sverige's IP. Although I think will make
       > bind to any IPV4 interface. If you want to bind both IPV6 and IPV4 
       > I believe you would do something like this:
       >    irssiproxy_bind = " ::";
       I used: irssiproxy_bind = " ::"; to bind to all addresses and
       both ipv4 and ipv6
       5. Connect your irssi to the network and channels.
       6. Now in your local irc client configure as many connections to as
       many irc network ports you configured in your remote proxy. 
       Something like this (depending on the client you are using):
       /SERVER ADD -network oftc 63930 <password>
       /SERVER ADD -network freenode 63931 <password>
       /SERVER ADD -network sdf 63932 <password>
       7. Enjoy!!!
        - Thanks to thgrnhrnt and omwah
        - A friend of mine is going to be very "happy" ;)
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1