time for pharc to act
       Friday Dec 28  5:11:40 2012
       We are almost at the end of the year. It is usually a good time for
       backups and it is also the right time to execute my two cron jobs at
        MKCRON> list                                                         
        1     55   23  31    12   *               /arpa/c/chals/bin/pharc2   
        2      0    0   1     *   *           /arpa/c/chals/bin/gophersync 
       The first one is my pharc script. It will automatically organize and
       archive all my phlog posts of the year. Assuming all goes well, this
       will happen on Monday the 31st of December of 2012 at 23:55h.
       The second one is my gophersync script. It synchronises my gopher
       site on sdf-eu with the one on sdf. Assuming all goes well, this will
       happen on Tuesday the 1st of January of 2013 at 00:00h.
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1