Yes, yes, success!
       Tuesday Jan  1  4:06:42 2013
       Happy new year!!!
       Last night the server was busy for a short while executing my two 
       cron jobs. The first one was 'pharc' a phlog archiver that organises 
       all my phlog posts of the year. It started at 23:55h and in only 3 
       seconds did the job. Heed that line 131 reads "sleep 2" ;) It goes so 
       fast that I added that line when testing. Silly huh?
       odin (chals) % cat pharc.log                                 
       Mon Dec 31 23:55:00 UTC 2012 Archiving phlog posts...
       Mon Dec 31 23:55:03 UTC 2012 You are done now.
       You can see the results (keep in mind that the entry 01-01-13 is this
       post I'm writing at the moment):
       odin (chals) % ls gopher/phlog/                              
       01-01-13/  2011/  2012/  gophermap
       The second one is a local script that I use to sync my gopher sites. 
       It is called 'gophersync' and it mainly uses 'lftp'. It is quite 
       simple but neat at the same time. It started at 00:00h:
       odin (chals) % cat bin/gophersync                            
        # Script to automatize synchronization over ftp
        echo "Syncing files. Please wait..."
        lftp << EOF
        open -u "${USER}","${PASS}" "${HOST}"  
        mirror -c -R -v "${LOCALFOLDER}" "${REMOTEFOLDER}"
       Now we are in 2013. This means that I have to start serious work on 
       my version 3 of pharc. (I'm lying here because it is almost finished, 
       not completely because it needs some loving and caring, but it is 100%
       functional as it is now). However I would like to add some features 
       and of course improve any potential flaws or bad code sections.
       Have a nice year!!!
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1