       Wednesday Feb 20  3:05:39 2013
       I do not really remember how I discovered the 'xdg-utils' debian 
       package. All I know is that I do a lot of work at the command line but
       I also like the eye candy of the desktop environment. As a matter of 
       chance I came across the 'xdg-open' command to open a graphical window
       manager instance in the same location where you are on the command 
       It comes really handy for example, when you are working inside a git 
       repository and you want to "visually" ensure that everything is right 
       in place before pushing. This way you can use the power of the command
       line to work like a pro and revise stuff, if needed, on your desktop. 
       I use many aliases to move faster at the command line in the form of:
        $ cdgitrepo1 
        $ cdgitrepo2
       and once there, I can launch my graphical window manager by simply 
        $ open 
       (Which is an alias for: 'xdg-open .')
       By the way, I'm currently using pcmanfm with xfce4 since thunar takes 
       ages to open because it supposedly checks mounted filesystems on the 
       network. In my regular desktop thunar takes 15 seconds to open whereas
       pcmanfm only 2 seconds.
       Besides, pcmanfm has the F4 keyboard shortcut that opens a terminal 
       emulator right where you are on the gui manager so they (terminal and 
       gui manager) complement each other perfectly to move from one to the 
       Welcome home pcmanfm :) 
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1