irssi scripts
       Sunday Jun  2 10:53:15 2013
       Many people publish posts on the web talking about which irssi scripts
       they cannot live without. Well, after adding different scripts to suit
       different needs, I'm gonna do the same but not on the web but on
       gopher space :)
       First, here comes the list:
       odin (chals) % ls .irssi/scripts/autorun/ | cat
       The script allows me to use the mouse to easily scroll up and
       down the log. It is a nice substitute for the PageUp and PageDown keys
       The needs very little explanation. It colours every nick 
       taking part in a conversation to easily distinguish who's talking.
       The is another classic script. It prints a list of all the
       users in a channel. In order to activate it you have to use the comman
       (No need to say you must be running irssi inside a screen session)
           /nicklist screen
       The is awesome. It assists you to open the links that peopl
       paste in a channel. It is a bit difficult to explain how it works if 
       you've never seen it in action. I'll try my best.
       When someone pastes an url in a channel. The script will print somethi
       like this before the url:
           21:30 >> OpenURL 6 
       (The number depends on the number or urls pasted in a day, the first o
       is number 1, the second one is number 2 and so on...)
       All you have to do to follow the link is using the command openurl and
       the number, in this case:
           /openurl 6
       It opens it in your preferred web browser, in my case it is w3m
       Pretty cool, isn't it? But wait, there is more!
       The is so simple but so impressively useful that I really
       couldn't do without it. It simply draws a line like this
       everytime you switch to another channel so when you come back it is 
       easier for you to identify where you last left the conversation.
       And last but not least, the It adds a count of how many
       users, ops, half ops and voiced users are in each channel. Like this:
           [21 nicks (@1 %0 +0 20)] 
       Launching it is a bit more difficult to remember (in comparison with
       "/nicklist screen"):
           /statusbar window add usercount
       There are dozens of scripts, so try the ones you find more useful and
       I am perfectly aware that other irc clients, such as weechat, have  
       most of these things I've been talking about as defaults. But well, I 
       like to use a lot of software. I enjoy using weechat + tmux as much 
       as I enjoy using screen + irssi. Why choose if you can use them all? 
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1